Monday, June 27, 2011

Decisions and Gr 10/11 Memories

I dropped the internship. Actually, I dropped it almost a month ago now. I guess it could be compared to someone waiting for rain in a drought--if I kept waiting I would've only been disappointed more. Right now though, I'm not too disappointed because now I can go to SYC. If this taught me anything it taught me that cover letters are really hard to write sincerely and lead to hundreds of distractions for maybe 4 hours until you finally finish writing it, and that when you want something, you may have to sacrifice something else because we can't always have what we want. Actually, that lesson is a little old; I'm sure even 10 years olds know it. Still, I don't feel regretful that I let the opportunity pass because I know it's not the end of the line. When I started working towards getting that internship the only thing in my mind was to get ahead, soar higher than everyone else and reach my dream before it was even ripe enough for me to pick. That was wrong. I'm still young and so I should take things slowly, because i know in the end I'll still end up in a good place. There's no point in wasting my childhood wishing I could just grow up already. Sure high schools' not the best thing ever but I should still enjoy it.
Therefore, to lighten the mood I shall reminisce of my few favourite moments (or regretful moments) in grade 11 now that the school year has passed.
  • Ordering pizza delivery from pizza 73 to the school. Twice.
  • Accidentally skipping English to go eat Dim sum
  • Going up to check my mark on the circulatory/blood and immunity unit test and seeing the numbers 102%
  • Creating my molecular dog with an atom building kit in Chemistry
  • My first 100% in math on my own in the quadratics/polynomials cumulative exam
  • Going up to check my mark in math and seeing a 99.7%
  • Filming the Stalking bear in underwear video for comm tech
  • Filming for 'The Lottery Ticket' for English
  • Attending the June Awards ceremony for the first time and getting 2 certificates (Eng 20-1 and comm tech 20)
  • finally being able to mix chemicals in the pH and indicator lab
  • Getting unknown pH solution on my ear
  • Spilling fake urine with 'nephritis' on my hand during a bio lab
  • The heart and rat dissection
  • Using a cash register for the first time in the cafeteria
  • Serving wrestling coaches food after school
  • Vandalizing my social teacher's belongings with Hello Kitty stickers
I guess when I think back to these happy times (some even mischievous), grade 11 was a year worth living through. I don't regret anything and I'm happy with where I am right now. 
This makes me wonder what my best memories of grade 10 were, and I don't have a very good impression of that year so this may be hard.
  • Sneaking food in the computer lab during science and hiding an orange in my pocket
  • Our best volleyball game in gym class with Rachel, Danny... I don't think Vivian was's missing. oh well; it was the best game in a while with a lot of cheering. oh right, Zarah was there.
  • Badminton with Rachel
  • Running the loop. 4 times; and beating my record each time.
  • Social dance with Vivian, Rachel, Danny, Zarah, and 3 other people, making up a random dance.
  • Stabbing a poster paper with scissors while my social teacher was talking, thus making her believe hat I am incapable of handling scissors
  • Poke wars in design studies, and watching SS501 and Super Junior on Youtube instead of animating my Mokona
  • Making my Sungmin shirt in comm tech
  • Secret Santa
  • Tammy's birthday
  • Pretending to be Korean in math class
  • 85 - Minh knows what I mean.
  • Being the class clown in info pro and researching Pokemon
I guess grade 10 wasn't as bad as it was thought to be.

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