Saturday, March 12, 2011

Internship Update [2]

I went and talked to my job coordinator again, and as usual, she was extremely bipolar. she starts off by tellign me the chances are higher this year for people to be accepted in the program, and then she crushes the atmosphere by saying I'm probably not going to be offered aspot though so I should go talk to employers. She gives me no sense of direction as to where to go or who to ask, she only restricted me from going to hospitals. I'm only in high school and I've never searched for a job before, so you'd think as a teacher she'd be more helpful? She gave me a thick booklet for a required course we have to take if we get accepted into the internship but I'm not going to work on it until it's for certain because of all the other schoolwork I'm currently piled with. As of now I don't feel comfortable talking to employers, considering I don't even know what to say so I'm just going to leave my chances to the program. If I'm in then great, if I'm not then, well, so much for a head start to my future. i'm only in grade 11, sometimes I feel like I'm pushing at too fast of a pace for me instead of enjoying my youth. Once I'm done high school it's pretty much the end of pure fun and games, because everything is going to be competitive. If I'm granted the opportunity to enter this internship then great, if not then, well, it's just life telling me I'm not ready. If I don't even feel ready enough to go up to employers and ask for a position then I won't take it hard if I'm not accepted. I'm in grade 11, I'm not at the end of the line. I have a feeling i'll be able to do great things in my life. Life doesn't go smoothly, there's ups and downs and so this opportunity still has a chance to be and up or a down.

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