Monday, May 16, 2011

Internship Update [4]

It's been a while since applications were sent in and it turns out out of everyone in my school I was the last person to be notified about an interview. It seems like the popular job offer going around is a office lab aid. I found out I had a job offer from a nursing home and in a way I'm kind of glad it was so far away we had to decline because I don't know how comfortable I'd be around senior citizens. I remember fighting my dilemma of choosing between this internship and SYC this summer and I decided that I still had next year for SYC--this internship was a one time thing. This means I really need to work for it, and I really need to try my best. It means i really need to show that I want it and work hard to prove that I can do it. We had a mock interview today during lunch and I can't say I did so well. Thank goodness it was a mock interview and I pray that I'll be able to do better when the real one comes. I need to be confident with the first impression I give off and I'm not good at them but I need to try. People can tell when you're being sincere and when you're being superficial, so I want to be able to answer all the questions earnestly with the best of my ability. I got a phone call after school today from a representative of Careers the Next Generation telling me that there was an offer as a office lab aid at the Foothills Hospital and wondered if it would be a convenient location for me. As of now I'm not sure because I still have to search bus routes but if I were to turn it down I'd be scared that there would be no other offer. I really hoped for something in the nutrition field to be honest but I'm not disappointed with this because every little thing will give me experience. Experience was what I wanted the most so I am confident that I'd be able to do my work with a smile. Maybe I will be able to talk to a few nutritionists there and possible have a job shadow? That's probably just wishful thinking now but it would be a great opportunity. As for now... I need to get cracking on bus routes along with my social homework. i knew we were going to have to cram everything this month thanks for my teacher spending 3 months on the French Revolution. Grade 11 is ending soon and I'm always through, so cheers to the upcoming summer and I hope that it'll be just as productive and thrilling.

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