Monday, February 7, 2011

Internship Update [1]

I finally managed to get my resume, cover letter, attendance report, transcript and application form together and headed to see my school's job coordinator today. She told me that she was going to start promoting the internship to my school in a few months and was confused at why I had the form in the first place. I don't know why but I did feel intimidated by her; but I tried my best not to show it. She glanced at my application and said, "You do realize that you have to write up a resume and cover letter, right?"  and I told her I already had it done and it was in the folder. She flipped to my resume and frowned, which made me panic. I spent a lot of time revising my resume and even had help from my essay tutor, but I guess it didn't meet the standards of my school. She said, "You didn't take CALM yet, did you?" as she bit her lip. I replied with, "Not yet." She told me that the sequencing in my resume needed work and I didn't tailor it well enough for the health positon that I was looking for. Disappointed, I knew that she would give me another chance to make my resume better when she told me she would hold meeting regarding this internship at noon hours later on. She did not mention when. I still felt determined because of the fact that I was trying in the first place. More disappointment fell upon me when she said that this year there were less spots open for applicants in hospitals and other clinics, and if they couldn't provide a job I'd have to go look for one myself. She said that they will probably only accept 50 applicants out of an anticipated 500, me being one of the 500 that really needed to work hard to stand out. That gives me a 10% chance of being placed by the internship program, but I can only pray that the 10% is in my favor because I only realized how limited my social network regarding the health department was. She told me to consider dentistry or optometry, but my mind wasn't so opened to those fields. I wanted to go into nutrition at best but this really isn't my time to be picky. Something is always better than nothing. She told me not to worry too much and that she'd try her best to help me out because it was her job to, and that my resume wasn't too bad. Who knows what she thought of my cover letter? I can only say that when I wrote that cover letter, it really came from the heart, though I had to take out certain things that my tutor found unecessary, I really wrote it in a way that would express my thoughts. Whether I get a job or not, I don't want to doll up my resume and cover letter to make me appear as someone I'm not because if anything, at least I could still claim that I was honest with myself and with my potential employer. To be honest I'm really nervous about this because having no other job alternatives to turn to, all I can count on is to get into one of those 50 open slots. I pray that I'll get lucky in life, but even if I don't get in I won't give up. I'm in grade 11, and being rejected from a health internship is far from the end of the line. I actually do believe in myself and I know i'll make it somewhere, someday, somehow. The how will unravel itself to mee soon, I hope. This was juse one small and early step that I took to reaching my career goal. It wouldn't be much of a goal if I just gave up at the sight of adversity, would it? But I'll stop with the negativity because until it's confirmed, I'll never know. Through life I've learned that even if the chance is small, it's still possible. In my case, a 10% chance is already something to be grateful for. I really have to thank some people now for supporting me from the day I mentioned the internship to them.

Veronica - My best friend for informing me about it in the first place and having such high hopes for me. Sometimes I think she's more confident me than I am in myself, but I really hope that I don't disappoint. I also wish her well with this internship too. Unnie, Hwaiting!

Wanda - My essay tutor who guided me through writing my resume and cover letter and giving me so many useful materials and templates to refer to.

Irene - My English tutor for 5 years who started out as my preschool teacher back when I was a kid for immediately supporting me with this and giving me background information about the work field as well as reassuring me of my capabilities.

Daniel - My brother for pushing me to do my best and strive further than I imagined. He helped me show myself that I could surpass my own limitations, and immediately supported me when I chose this career path consideirng how unrealistic my past choices were. He also plays a huge part in guiding me through literally everything, but that's what older siblings do. Hehe.

Ms. Murphy - My biology 20 teacher who helped me to really see that with hard work I could be academically amazing. Of course, not the best, but I was happy when she wrote that I was her top bio 20 student on my teacher references. She was a great teacher to me, so for having a 92% in Biology as a final mark, I have to really thank you.

Ms. Ogeer - My Chemistry 20 teacher who was my second teacher reference for this internship. She was an outstanding teacher to me as well, and for getting a final mark of 90% I have only her to thank. I really appreciated her thought out comments and support throughout my last semester.

Eunice - For being my close but far role model who is pursuing a similar career path than me. She's obviously further down the road than I am so in a way I feel like an apprentice to her sometimes but I'm so glad that she's always willing to share her experiences/knowledge with me, because it makes me feel less lost in the bigger world outside of highschool.


  1. OMOGSH u called me eunice LOL. awww but i didn't see anything bad about your resume >.< maybe i was just taught differently =l.

    you can do it essiebear!!! i've been praying for you so God will set His way for you!

  2. Yea, I'm trying to keep it semi-formal so I'm using everyones real names like Veronica and I never call her Veronica XD! And thanks for the support euni <3 I'll fix my resume when she finally decides to teach me. sigh, lol
