Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Gr 11 Sem 1 + Study Tips

Today, I completed my last final exam which was for Biology 20! I feel really confident about this one and I checked it over thoroughly catching my mistakes so I'm really anticipating a good mark. My 18 pages of studying didn't go to waste!! I'm so happy. One semester of extreme hard work is paying off, so I'm hoping for the best in semester 2 as well. Social Studies and Math is next; definitely not my strong points but i'll try my best. I have to say I already miss my science classes. If only I can feel this confident next year for my diplomas? I'll be working hard for sure! I feel really accomplished because I actually pulled through this whole semester with a mindset that I would put school as a priority and really work hard and be determined. It takes a lot to set that goal to begin with, and even more effort to not stray from that. I hope all my friends can feel just as confident with their final exams and upcoming ones! As for me, for now, I'm free to enjoy exam break finally! Let's hope my average turns out good. i'm not so confident in English but it already passed so I hope it doesn't drop my marks too badly. I'm excited for my report card! (I always am) I can finally stop to take a breather. I'm relieved.

Studying Tips:
I know it takes a long time to figure out a studying style that works for yourself, and if you haven't found one yet then maybe my studying habits can help you. Everyone has their own way of studying, so maybe some of my studying strategies will work for you guys.
1) Re-writing crucial notes and pieces of information even if you're sure that you'll remember it, re-write it just in case! While you're writing about it, your brain is also processing it. I prefer writing things out by hand because I don't memorize as well if I type.
2) Whenever you're having your own free time to think such as on the bus to school, repeat the things you learned the day before or stuff you need yo remember for an upcoming test in your head. Reteach the criteria to yourself in your head to ensure that you understand it. To fully understand something, you have to be able to teach it.
3) Actually do all the review questions that the teacher assigns even though it won't be for marks or homework checks. This ensures and tests your understanding of a lesson because even if you think you understand something, you might not. Why take the chance? Just do it. This also allows for further understanding, by using other sources such as your textbook you can be absorbing other information that the teacher never mentions.
4) I'm not sure if this is easy, common sense, or necessary, but when shown a diagram or labelled illustration/photograph, I like to memorize it's appearance as well as labels. On tests, you're often given labelling questions especially in biology so it doesn't hurt to memorize this. Plus, pictures will often be re-used.
5) Your friends will find this extremely annoying (I know mine did and still do), but when given the chance in conversations, bring out some of your knowledge that you gained from a class and teach a friend or relative. For example, while learning about the respiratory system I diagnosed my best friend with Chronic Bronchitis. I addressed this to her and she remembered her doctor telling her that she had it, and I told her the technicalities of this respiratory disorder. People will call you a nerd for this but does it matter? It feels nice to feel smart. Also, bringing school knowledge to situations outside of the school atmosphere enhances memory. Have you noticed that you remember what your friends gossip about more than what your teacher tells you? You also remember what you tell your friends. If you tell your friends about school, then you'll be more likely to remember!
6) Do not procrastinate. I may be a hypocrite at times but my procrastination never goes to last minute. When you cram your brain has less time to process information, and the things you remember due to cramming will leave you right after the test. Yes, I used to be a crammer. If you study days before a test, the information stays with you.

Those are all the tips I can think of right now, but if I come up with more I'll list them out.

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