Tuesday, January 4, 2011


As if now, January 4, 2011, I'm in grade 11 with a burning determination to fulfill my dream as either a Dietician or a Psychologist. This blog is new, and as a lot of my relatives or close friends would know, I've been aiming hard for this goal for over a year now but here I'll keep my steps towards my goals updated. Originally, I was aiming to enter the University of Alberta after graduating grade 12 into the faculty of food and nutrition, and then switching second year into the nutrition major to fulfill my goal to be a dietician. Just recently, I've decided that nutrition is not my only interest in life, and that I want to pursue psychology as well. People have suggested that I should aim for a double major of nutrition and psychology, and as of now, that's what my goal is. I know it seems really early, with me being in only grade 11, but time passes quickly and before I know it, I'll be applying for university with high hopes of getting accepted. Of course I'm scared and confused, and I don't know everything I need to as of now. What I do know for sure is that I cannot choose what I'm more interested in; nutrition or psychology, and that there is no doubt that University of Alberta is where I'd like to be in one and a half years. I'm really thankful for all the support that I'm receiving from my family, after having my previous (less realistic) dreams rejected, and as well as constant support from my close friends who will always give me the guidance and encouragement that I need to feel confident in what I want to do with my life.

Choosing a career to pursue was difficult for me and before settling with nutrition and psychology, I considered a variety of occupations such as an elementary school teacher, a dentist, a lawyer, a professional video editor or director, and much, much more. I really have to thank my Language Arts tutor who had been supporting me from the very beginning (since I was in preschool!), and it's thanks to her that I became opened to the idea of incorporating nutrition into my future. My mom played a huge part in forcing me to come up with a career that I could pursue and be passionate about, so having been able to know what I want to go into when I graduate so early in my life would be mostly thanks to her. When I think of the ideal career, I see it as a job that one can wake up to everyday with a smile on their face, knowing that everything they do will be able to help someone else in whatever aspect of their life, because the feeling of helping and giving is unmatchable. A career should not be something that you dread, because it would not be something you're passionate about or want to spend the rest of your life doing. Money, I realized, plays a major role in people's decisions on their careers but I've been told many times that when you pursue something you know you can be passionate about and enjoy, money will follow. By choosing these career paths, I'm not aiming for a high salary, or to become rich. I know that by pursuing nutrition and psychology, I would be able to help others. I want to be able to share my knowledge for the benefit of other people, not only the ones close to me, and so I pray with all my heart that I can be successful in this.

Dreaming isn't enough to reach your goals, because wanting it without doing anything to get it is useless. Grade 11 was a real eye opener to me, because I've decided to really take into consideration what my priorities are and take academics more seriously than I ever had thus far. I proved to myself that I could achieve greater than my expectations if I tried harder and put all my focus and determination into pursuing it. I can say truthfully that I do take my future extremely seriously. I want to show everyone that I'm not hoping for my future to come to me without trying, and so I'm willing to take any opportunities I can to fulfill this wish. This wish of mine, to become successful in nutrition and psychology, is not an empty wish and I will prove it with my actions. I will use this blog to update the steps I take from now until my goal is reached, so if you're interested, please press follow!

Thank you for reading this lengthy introduction, and I want everyone to know that I'm grateful towards everyone who believes in me. It's alright if I'm looked down on right now because I am still young, but age does not put limitations on one's capability of reaching success.

-Esther L.

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